The Haunters Handbook
A creative and interpretive guide to the growth of actors, the industry, and all things spooky. Your one stop place to talk about the things that go bump in the industry, and how you can make a foot print along the way. https://www.storefrontier.com/thehauntershandbook
The Haunters Handbook
Catacombs Interviews: Time for a good laugh! Interview with Chuckles
The Haunters Handbook
This one is a long time in the making, and it was well worth the wait! Come meet Chuckles, an amazingly wonderful actress who guides us along a great tell of how she got into the industry, growing her characters, and even some random trivia. Trust me when I say, this is one you do not want to miss out on! It is great for a laugh....or at least a Chuckle (See what I did there?)