The Haunters Handbook
A creative and interpretive guide to the growth of actors, the industry, and all things spooky. Your one stop place to talk about the things that go bump in the industry, and how you can make a foot print along the way. https://www.storefrontier.com/thehauntershandbook
Podcasting since 2020 • 39 episodes
The Haunters Handbook
Latest Episodes
Season 2 Restart: "It's been awhile..."
It has been a good bit of time since we did one of these, and we need to talk about it. Mark comes back with the good, the bad, and the need to know of the time away. Let's see what is going on and what all can be brought up. Who knows, there m...

MHC! Let's go!!!
Long time no talk! Come along as Mark recounts the months of June and July, covering all the fun of MHC and the connections along the way. You do not want to miss this one!

Season 2! Let's talk about Media, Photography, and what you can do!
It's Season 2! Time to restart and see what we can do from here! This is a great starting point as we go into some great detail about what we can do to help our production teams get the most out of our content. So instead of just writing it all...
Season 2
Episode 1